5 Signs You May Be Suffering from Low Testosterone

Dwindling reproductive hormone levels isn’t just a problem faced by women going through menopause: Men’s bodies also produce less testosterone as the years go by.
When testosterone levels decline significantly, however, the resulting hormonal deficiency can trigger an array of disruptive symptoms and health concerns. While many men simply attribute these changes to the natural aging process, low testosterone, or “Low T,” is highly treatable.
As integrative family medicine experts who specialize in men’s health, Dr. Stuart Lerner and our seasoned team of board-certified providers at Stuart Lerner, MD offer a full scope of hormone replacement therapy services — including Low-T replacement — for patients in Hawaii and the mainland.
Here, we explore five common signs of Low T, and explain how hormone therapy (TRT) counteracts these effects to help you restore an improved quality of life.
Understanding testosterone function
As the most important male reproductive hormone, testosterone:
- Maintains muscle mass, bone density, exercise stamina, and a healthy sperm count
- Supports and sustains healthy male libido and sexual function
When your testosterone levels are normal, your muscle strength, bone density, sexual drive and function, and sperm production are more likely to be well-supported and healthy.
Low T becomes more common with age
Males may not undergo a conclusive, fertility-ending hormonal shift like female menopause, but aging men do deal with diminishing testosterone levels. After peaking in your early twenties, the amount of testosterone circulating in your blood remains steady and then begins to decline very gradually, starting around the age of 30. Dwindling testosterone levels may be a normal part of aging, but losing too much of this key male hormone can affect your health and well-being. The American Urology Association estimates that overall, about 2% of men in the United States live with testosterone deficiency syndrome, also known as male hypogonadism, or, more simply: Low T.
Low T statistics look a bit different among specific groups of men, however. Research suggests that about one in two older men (50%), up to one in three overweight men (30%), and one in four men with diabetes (25%) live with the effects of Low T.
Five Low T warning signs and symptoms
Low T is defined as having less than 300 nanograms of testosterone per deciliter of blood (ng/dL). Given that not all men experience concerning changes or health issues at this level, our team always takes symptoms into consideration when making a Low T diagnosis.
Five common signs of Low T are:
- Noticeably reduced sex drive; low libido
- Impaired sexual function; erection problems
- Loss of muscle mass; increased body fat
- Slowed metabolism and persistent fatigue
- Decreased motivation or depressed mood
Addressing Low T with hormone therapy
To find out if declining muscle mass, fat gain, low energy, and reduced sex drive are indicators of an underlying testosterone deficiency, our team conducts a comprehensive physical exam that includes taking a measurement of your circulating (total blood) testosterone levels.
We may also measure your levels of luteinizing hormone, which helps control how your body makes testosterone. If we determine that your symptoms are indeed related to Low T, we may recommend a custom hormone replacement treatment protocol.
Using bioidentical hormones that are an exact match to your body’s natural testosterone, this prescription Low T supplement aims to restore healthier testosterone levels, alleviate your symptoms, and restore a better quality of life.
Available in the form of a regular, in-office or at-home injection or a self-applied transdermal topical gel or cream, bioidentical hormone therapy can help minimize or eliminate the symptoms caused by Low T. You can expect:
- Restored erectile function
- Increased sex drive and libido
- Healthier muscle to fat ratio
- Improved mood and energy
To find out if you’re a candidate for Low T replacement, call or click online to schedule a visit at Stuart Lerner, MD today.
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